Category:  Sucess stories

Elon Musk’s Success Secrets

Elon Musk’s Success Secrets  image - Smash Code

Smash Code

May, 12 2023

31 min read

Elon Musk’s Success Secrets  image - Smash Code

Elon Musk hails from Pretoria, South Africa. Musk is considered the most successful entrepreneur of all time. Musk is the CEO of electric automobile maker Tesla and space company SpaceX.

We can learn from Elon Musk how to become successful and make a difference.

Here are some of Elon Musk’s secret tips that can help you level up your game in life.

Mastering Time Management

Managing multiple companies is not child’s play. It requires effective time management and Elon uses a method called “timeboxing.” Instead of a to-do list, he allocates specific time slots for tasks, enhancing efficiency and reducing procrastination. He also prioritizes tasks, a useful strategy for anyone, regardless of their responsibilities.

Work for the Betterment of Mankind

Musk’s companies have altruistic aims. For example, SpaceX seeks to create a new home for humanity in space, and Tesla aims to eliminate reliance on fossil fuels. Striving to benefit others in all endeavours is a noble cause. While not everyone can build rockets, we should all seek to improve humanity. Tesla honours Nikola Tesla, who aimed to provide safe electricity for all—a legacy to be proud of.

Embrace Failure

It's natural to fear failure, but embracing it is key to success. That is why I view failures as learning opportunities because each one equips you with tools for future success. SpaceX has faced many setbacks, yet the company continues to push forward, driven by Musk and his talented team.

No Risk No Success

Elon Musk's success ssecrets

Overcoming our fear of failure makes us unstoppable and ready to take risks. Musk emphasizes that risk-taking has been crucial to his success. As companies grow, accountability increases, making bold gambles harder. So, take risks early—start that business, write that novel, or try that hobby or sport you've always wanted!

Have Growth Mindset

Musk exemplifies a "growth mindset," which involves believing in the ability to learn and improve skills. This perspective fosters innovation and adaptability when plans fail, viewing challenges as growth opportunities. Embrace freedom and seek unexpected opportunities for development.

Communication is Key

Communication is crucial for productivity. Elon Musk emphasizes direct communication among employees, as shown by a 2017 Tesla email promoting interaction between departments without managers. This approach enhances problem-solving efficiency. Additionally, Musk effectively shares his ideas with the public, inviting feedback and criticism.

Dream Big

Elon Musk is best defined by his ambition and setting high goals in life. Regardless of personal opinions on his ideas, he undeniably aspires to great heights, especially with SpaceX's goals. The key takeaway is to avoid limitations: as Norman Vincent Peale said, aim for the moon; if you miss, you'll still reach the stars.

High aspirations lead to remarkable achievements, like SpaceX's advancements in rocket technology, even if Mars isn’t reached. Set your goals higher than what you think will satisfy you.

Elon Musk's Companies

Musk's companeis

Here is the list of Elon Musk’s Companies


SpaceX manufactures designs and launches advanced aircraft created in 2002. This private space company has launched 246 rockets and spacecraft. The company, worth over $ 100 billion, takes humans to and from the International Space Station.

 X, former Twitter

Elon Musk bought X, previously known as Twitter, for $44. Musk wants to make this giant social media site focusing on promoting free speech and ridding of bot accounts.

Musk re-named Twitter as X in 2023.


XAI is a new artificial intelligence AI company launched on July 12, 2023. This IT tool is created to understand the true nature of the universe. Musk aims to position the company to compete with companies like ChatGPT.

The Boring Company

It is an American Construction Company founded by Musk in 2026. This project aims to design intra-city transit systems to solve traffic challenges.

The Boring Company thinks major cities need either flying cars or tunnels to manage traffic. Musk opted for the latter option because tunnels remain safe from weather changes and one doesn’t worry about anything falling on the head.

In April 2021, The Boring Company launched its first project at the Las Vegas Convention Center, creating 1.7 miles of parallel tunnels for Tesla vehicles to transport passengers.

Neuralink Corporation

Neuralink Company aims to develop brain implants that connect with devices and help those with paralysis regain independence. Neuralink’s website highlights that their devices enable easier communication, web exploration, and creative expression through various apps.

The total net worth of the company is around $5 billion.


Musk founded OpenAI, a nonprofit research group, in 2015 and remains a key donor after resigning from the board in 2018. Competing with DeepMind, OpenAI aims to ensure artificial general intelligence benefits all humanity and aspires to create a machine with human-like learning and reasoning abilities.


Everyone knows Musk is best known for Tesla, an American electric vehicle and clean energy company founded in 2003. Tesla has garnered attention for its innovations in the automotive sector and its efforts in sustainable energy, producing solar panels, roof tiles, and EV batteries. Notably, it designed the first premium all-electric sedan and currently holds the title of the world's leading automotive company, with a market cap of $910 billion.


You may be surprised to know that Musk is also a co-founder of PayPal, a financial tech company that enables online money transfers as an alternative to checks. Founded in 1998, PayPal merged with Musk’s in 2000 and became a Fortune 500 company, adding nearly 73 million new accounts in 2020.


In short, Elon Musk is a guiding star for those who aspire to create a significant impact in our world. His journey and achievements provide valuable lessons for anyone eager to make a difference. From Elon Musk, we can glean insights into the art of winning, which fundamentally involves thinking on a grand scale and setting ambitious goals.

Elon Musk's success secrets
success tips by Elon Musk
Elon Musk's companies
Companies of Elon Musk
Musk's companies
Musk's Quotes