Category:  Coding

5 Top Programming Languages to Learn in the Next 5 Years

5 Top Programming Languages to Learn in the Next 5 Years image - Smash Code

Smash Code

May, 12 2023

22 min read

5 Top Programming Languages to Learn in the Next 5 Years image - Smash Code

The IT sector has witnessed massive development in recent years. If you want to start a lucrative career in the next ten years, becoming a software developer, web developer, and computer system analyst can make you a millionaire.

To work in various fields within the programming world, you must learn in-demand programming languages.

Here is my list of the top 5 programming languages to help you become a skilled developer in the coming years.

1. JavaScript

According to a survey, JavaScript is the most commonly used and sought-after language globally. JavaScript is a text-based scripting programming language that makes web pages interactive. It is written in HTML and runs through a web browser.

With JavaScript, you can manage the behavior of web pages and create dynamic web elements such as interactive maps, animated graphics, and clickable buttons.

JavaScript is a unique programming language because it runs natively in web browsers, which makes it necessary for front-end development.

Moreover, you can also use JavaScript for back-end development with Note.js and mobile app and game development with React Native.  

Combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript provides a higher level of website control and a better user experience regarding readability and navigation.

Since most web browsers utilize JavaScript, it is the most commonly used programming language. It is also one of the easiest languages to learn. To learn JavaScript, you require almost no prior coding knowledge.

You can start learning, practicing, and playing with it immediately. There are countless courses and online platforms where professional programmers teach and train you to become a pro coder.

Hence, JavaScript’s top-notch usability and global support make it number one on my list of the most in-demand programming languages.

2. Python

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced coder, Python is recommended if you want to make a promising career in the IT industry. As a general-purpose programming language, Python empowers you to use different programming styles, including object-oriented, reflective, and functional.

According to one survey, Python is the most popular language among developers because it is versatile and can be used for data science, web development, automation, and machine learning.

For example, digital tools and platforms such as YouTube, iRobot machines, and Google Search were also developed with Python.

Since Python has an extensive library that supports everyday tasks and commands, developers can quickly create and test long code sections.

This shows you can make your career by learning this fantastic language.

future programming languages

3. C #

Microsoft released C # in 2002. It is also called C Sharp because it has more advanced optimization than a similar step in the C++ coding language.

No doubt C # is one of the most in-demand coding languages for upcoming years because an enormous community works with it, and it offers support to new learners.

It is a general-purpose language famous for developing desktop and web applications.

It is also ideal for building popular mobile apps, games, and virtual reality(VR) applications.

4. TypeScript

If you want to deal with large-scale JavaScript projects, TypeScript should be your choice.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript with optional static typing, enabling you to catch errors earlier in development.

If you want to improve code scalability and maintainability, JavaScript is for you.

what are top programming languages I should learn for the future

5. SQL

SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is pronounced as ‘sequel.’ It is a special-purpose programming language employed for updating databases. It allows you to manipulate databases and manage data within an RDBMS (relational database management system)

Since SQL can help you locate and retrieve data from a database and nearly all businesses run a database system, mastering this programming language can help you find a lucrative job.

It is used for database management, sales reports, and business management.

You can quickly learn this language because it has numerous online tutorials and free resources.


In short, if you become an expert in the above programming languages, you will have a bright future because the knowledge of these coding languages will enable you to fulfill the needs of online businesses and companies.

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top future programming languages